99 Things to See & Do in Dundee 2023 is a crowdsourced city guide created in collaboration* with people who live here and love it. 

This is the sixth crowdsourced guide and the first since the pandemic.  With so much changing in the wake of 2020, this latest guide has a new look and focus, prioritising the places across the city and surrounding areas that directly contribute to the creativity, wellbeing, and community of the people who live here. 

Whether someone’s visiting for the first time, staying as a student, has made the city their home or is a life-long Dundonian, the 99 Things to See & Do in Dundee guide offers inspiration to explore, celebrate and connect with Dundee and all of the wonderful experiences it has to offer.

There is also an accessible, black and white version of the 99 Things to See & Do in Dundee guide for download.

*by Creative Dundee