Singing Children of Africa: A Concert with Educate the Kids Charity
We would be delighted for you to join us for an evening of celebration and music in aid of Educate the Kids. The High School of Dundee are hosting an evening with the choir from the School and orphanage in Kenya who will be sure to 'raise the roof'. Join us for an evening of singing and dancing to raise funds for the charity, with a couple of songs from Dundee choir Duende voices. Educate the Kids is a Scottish Charity set up by Maureen and Ian McIntyre. The charity currently runs a school and orphanage in Kenya, with no paid staff except from the teachers at the school, most of whom were educated there. The school exists on the kindness donations and sponsorship of students for £11 a month which provides meals, education and a vital lifeline for so many children in Utange. This event is open to anyone and everyone, we would love to have the venue full to celebrate and raise vital funds for this wonderful cause. Information published by Leisure and Culture Dundee.
Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 18:30
VenueHigh School of Dundee
Booking requiredNo
Event Link