The Lemmings
Three lemmings climb a column in the open garden area at Seabraes on Perth Road in Dundee. the characters celebrate the video games industry in Dundee through the extraordinary ground breaking global success of a computer game created in the early 1990s by Dundee based DMA Design. The game, known as 'Lemmings', reached over 15 million sales throughout the world and was on of the UK's first blockbusters.
The game was conceived and developed in DMA's original offices near Seabraes in the Nethergate not far from the site of the artwork. The Lemmings game has continued to be developed in more sophisticated forms and is now owned by Sony.
Alyson Conway's beautifully formed sculptures of three different lemmings, capture the essence and fun of the game as originally conceived. The art work has been well received by those in the digital games industry and the public alike.
Alyson studied sculpture in Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee.