The bandstand was built in 1890 and is an iconic Dundee image, immortalised by the paintings of James McIntosh Patrick (1907-1998).

You can just catch the Tay Rail Bridge to the left of the bandstand and the distant Fife skyline.

The ornate bandstand plays host to Sunday performances by brass bands during the summer months.

Tay Rail and Road Bridges

The Tay Estuary is straddled by two significant examples of structural engineering - the Tay Rail and Ray Road bridges.The Tay Rail Bridge was completed in 1887 and sweeps across the estuary carrying rail traffic between Dundee and neighbouring Fife.It replaced the original crossing which collapsed...

Scotland's Jute Museum @ Verdant Works

Scotland's Jute Museum@Verdant Works and High Mill is a tale of two cities: both of them Dundee.For thousands in the 19th century it was a city of long working hours, poor pay and ill-health.For the privileged few it was a city of opportunity and wealth.At the museum the rattle and roar of the...