The bandstand was built in 1890 and is an iconic Dundee image, immortalised by the paintings of James McIntosh Patrick (1907-1998).

You can just catch the Tay Rail Bridge to the left of the bandstand and the distant Fife skyline.

The ornate bandstand plays host to Sunday performances by brass bands during the summer months.

Public Art

Public art has part of Dundee's urban environment since 1982 and over 120 artworks are now in situ throughout the city.Dundee City Council and Dundee Partnership actively support the development of new works by encouraging the private sector to get involved with public art projects and promoting ‘...

Slessor Gardens

The main parkland area in the central waterfront is Slessor Gardens, Over 10,000sqm this green space is designed to be a multi-functional space with capacity to host large events.Located around the perimeter are nine themed gardens.One is reflective of the geography and setting of Dundee; four are...