Maggie's Dundee is a cancer care centre located at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.

It was Gehry's first building in the UK and has been awarded a ‘Building of the Year' title by the Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland.

The Centre is open to the public on the last Tuesday of every month from 4pm.

Visitors have an hour long tour of the building which includes information about the work of the Centre. Booking is not required. 

Museums & Galleries

Dundee has many museums and galleries.  Amongst them they celebrate the City’s Maritime past, its industrial heritage, its connections to historic transport as well as its present connections with the scientific and medical world.RRS DiscoveryFollow in the footsteps of Captain Scott and his...

Slessor Gardens

The main parkland area in the central waterfront is Slessor Gardens, Over 10,000sqm this green space is designed to be a multi-functional space with capacity to host large events.Located around the perimeter are nine themed gardens.One is reflective of the geography and setting of Dundee; four are...