Walking around Dundee
Discover Dundee on foot by following some of the many walks and trails available in the city.
Dundee Women's Trail
The Dundee Women’s Trail celebrates just a few amazing women whose lives touched this city. Around Dundee there is a trail of 25 plaques to commemorate remarkable Dundee women. Join us as we walk in some great women's shoes.
Dundee's Global Trail
Dundee’s Global Trail will take you on an intriguing historic voyage of discovery highlighting the extraordinary locations which make connections between Dundee and the rest of the world. While you explore the inner city of modern day Dundee this unusual walking Trail will make the hour you spend a time of interesting discoveries.
Dundee Heritage Walk
Take a walk through Dundee’s past and experience our rich and diverse culture. There are five routes to choose from – go on, walk the walks, learn, explore and most of all enjoy.
Dundee Walking Map
Dundee has a very walkable city centre with a range of cultural and visitor attractions within easy reach.
Dundee Literary Trail
We would love you to try the literary trail for yourselves by choosing one or more from the East, West or Central trails. So hit the pavement and discover Dundee's literary past and present.